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        21st century missions

Welcome to the 21st century, a period characterized by major changes but also by many problems. You can also fulfil yourself as a person and actively contribute to the accomplishment of a better world. To do this you have to be very prepared and be aware that learning lasts throughout life. You will also need to be persistent, do not give up at the first hurdle that you find along your path and become aware that the error is not a condemnation but a stimulus to improve. You'll also need to make yourself available to collaborate with others to solve common problems and demonstrate your initiative and resourcefulness. This project, in line with national and European directives is designed to guide you along some routes (missions) that will allow you to reach some useful competences  fundamental to become an active and conscious citizen of 21st century. Each month you will be assigned a mission that you will have to take cooperating with pupils from other European schools

Are you ready to leave? One, two three ... starting off


Click on the menu above, on the title "21st Century missions" and start the missions.

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